
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.

Differences in gut microbiota composition, diversity, and predicted functional activity between wild and captive zoo Carollia perspicillata in a One Health perspective

Popov, I.V.; Popov, I.V.; Chebotareva, I.P.; Tikhmeneva, I.A.; Peshkova, D.A.; Krikunova, A.A.; Tkacheva, E.V.; Algburi, A.R.; Abdulhameed, A.M.; Jargalsaikhan, A.; Ganbold, O.; Chikindas, M.L.; Venema, K.; Ermakov, A.M. Differences in gut microbiota composition, diversity, and predicted functional activity between wild and captive zoo Carollia perspicillata in a One Health perspective. Braz J Microbiol 2025,

Detection and Phylogenetic Analysis of Alphacoronaviruses in Bat Populations of Rostov and Novosibirsk Regions of Russia, 2021–2023

Ohlopkova, O.V.; Popov, I.V.; Popov, I.V.; Stolbunova, K.A.; Stepanyuk, M.A.; Moshkin, A.D.; Maslov, A.A.; Sobolev, I.A.; Malinovkin, A.V.; Tkacheva, E.V.; et al. Detection and Phylogenetic Analysis of Alphacoronaviruses in Bat Populations of Rostov and Novosibirsk Regions of Russia, 2021–2023. Microbiol. Res. 2025, 16, 3.

Detection of Brno loanvirus (Loanvirus brunaense) in common noctule bats (Nyctalus noctula) in Southern Russia

Ohlopkova, O.V.; Stolbunova, K.A.; Popov, I.V.; Popov, I.V.; Kabwe, E.; Davidyuk, Yu.N.; Stepanyuk, M.A.; Moshkin, A.D.; Kononova, Yu.V.; Lukbanova, E.A.; Ermakov, A.M.; Chikindas, M.L.; Sobolev, I.A.; Khaiboullina, S.F.; Shestopalov, A.M. Detection of Brno loanvirus (Loanvirus brunaense) in common noctule bats (Nyctalus noctula) in Southern Russia. Braz J Microbiol 2024,

Effects of spore-forming Bacillus probiotics on growth performance, intestinal morphology, and immune system of broilers housed on deep litter

Popov, I.V.; Mazanko, M.S.; Prazdnova, E.V.; Popov, I.V.; Trukhachev, V.I.; Derezina, T.N.; Kochetkova, N.A.; Ermakov, A.M.; Chikindas, M.L.; et al. Effects of Spore-Forming Bacillus Probiotics on Growth Performance, Intestinal Morphology, and Immune System of Broilers Housed on Deep Litter. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 2024, 33, doi:10.1016/j.japr.2023.100396.

Gut microbiota differences in stunted and normal-length children aged 36–45 months in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Surono, I.S.; Popov, I.; Verbruggen, S.; Verhoeven, J.; Kusumo, P.D.; Venema, K. Gut Microbiota Differences in Stunted and Normal-Lenght Children Aged 36–45 Months in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. PLOS ONE 2024, 19, e0299349, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0299349.

Gut Microbiota Composition of Insectivorous Synanthropic and Fructivorous Zoo Bats: A Direct Metagenomic Comparison

Popov, I.V.; Popov, I.V.; Krikunova, A.A.; Lipilkina, T.A.; Derezina, T.N.; Chikindas, M.L.; Venema, K.; Ermakov, A.M. Gut Microbiota Composition of Insectivorous Synanthropic and Fructivorous Zoo Bats: A Direct Metagenomic Comparison. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, doi:10.3390/ijms242417301.

Cultivable Gut Microbiota in Synanthropic Bats: Shifts of Its Composition and Diversity Associated with Hibernation

Popov, I.V.; Berezinskaia, I.S.; Popov, I.V.; Martiusheva, I.B.; Tkacheva, E.V.; Gorobets, V.E.; Tikhmeneva, I.A.; Aleshukina, A.V.; Tverdokhlebova, T.I.; Chikindas, M.L.; et al. Cultivable Gut Microbiota in Synanthropic Bats: Shifts of Its Composition and Diversity Associated with Hibernation. Animals 2023, 13, doi:10.3390/ani13233658.

Detection of coronaviruses in insectivorous bats of Fore-Caucasus, 2021

Popov, I.V.; Ohlopkova, O.V.; Donnik, I.M.; Zolotukhin, P.V.; Umanets, A.; Golovin, S.N.; Malinovkin, A.V.; Belanova, A.A.; Lipilkin, P.V.; Lipilkina, T.A.; Popov, I.V.; et al. Detection of Coronaviruses in Insectivorous Bats of Fore-Caucasus, 2021. Sci. Rep. 2023, 13, doi:10.1038/s41598-023-29099-6.

Coronaviruses of synantropic bats: an unexplored threat

Lipilkina, T.; Popov, I.; Kitsenko, K.; Popov, I.; Ermakov, A. Coronaviruses of Synantropic Bats: An Unexplored Threat. E3S Web Conf. 2022, 363, 04018, doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202236304018.

Clinical cases of infectious endocarditis in cats

Sereda, T.V.; Petrova, M.A.; Popov, I.V.; Popov, I.V.; Kartashov, S.N.; Ermakov, A.M. Clinical Cases of Infectious Endocarditis in Cats. Braz. J. Vet. Med. 2022, 44, e002322, doi:10.29374/2527-2179.bjvm002322.

X‐ray micro‐computed tomography in the assessment of penile cavernous fibrosis in a rabbit castration model

Kogan, M.I.; Popov, I.V.; Kirichenko, E.Y.; Mitrin, B.I.; Sadyrin, E.V.; Kulaeva, E.D.; Popov, I.V.; Kulba, S.N.; Logvinov, A.K.; Akimenko, M.A.; et al. X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography in the Assessment of Penile Cavernous Fibrosis in a Rabbit Castration Model. Andrology 2021, 9, 1467–1480, doi:10.1111/andr.13077.

Coronavirus infections of animals: Future risks to humans

Donnik, I.M.; Popov, Ig.V.; Sereda, S.V.; Popov, Il.V.; Chikindas, M.L.; Ermakov, A.M. Coronavirus Infections of Animals: Future Risks to Humans. Biol. Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. 2021, 48, 26–37, doi:10.1134/S1062359021010052.

Visualisation of penile structures of laboratory rabbit: ultrasound, histology, and micro-CT

Kogan, M.; Popov, I.; Mitrin, B.; Popov, I.; Sadyrin, E.; Pasetchnik, D.; Ermakov, A.; Ugrekhelidze, N.; Kulikova, N. Visualisation of Penile Structures of Laboratory Rabbit: Ultrasound, Histology, and Micro-CT. E3S Web Conf. 2020, 210, 06016, doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202021006016

Morphogenesis of penile cavernous fibrosis in hypotestosteronemia: an experimental study

Kogan, M.I.; Todorov, S.S.; Popov, I.V.; Popov, I.V.; Kulishova, M.A.; Ermakov, A.M.; Sizyakin, D.V. Morphogenesis of Penile Cavernous Fibrosis in Hypotestosteronemia: an Experimental Study. Vestn. Urol. Her. 2020, 8, 14–24, doi:10.21886/2308-6424-2020-8-1-14-24.