
Phyloki simplifies phylogenetic tree creation in microbiology and virology by facilitating sequence downloads from NCBI GenBank using accession numbers. It also reinstates organism names in trees constructed with IQ-TREE, retrieves host information about microorganisms, and prepares annotation datasets for further visualization in iTOL.

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Usage Guide


Sequence Downloading

  • Facilitates the retrieval of sequences from NCBI GenBank using specified accession numbers.

Organism Name Reintegration

  • Enhances IQ-TREE constructed trees by replacing accession numbers with the corresponding organism names for clarity and context.

Host Information Retrieval

  • Gathers host data for each microorganism, including the host’s taxonomic order.

Annotation Dataset Preparation for iTOL

  • Utilizes the collected host information to prepare detailed annotation datasets, optimizing visualization in iTOL.