

Lightweight tool designed to work with biological sequence data, providing various functionalities for filtering FASTQ files and manipulating FASTA files


Python module that provides a set of tools for exploring and analyzing your dataset

BI: Study Projects

Study projects completed as part of the workshops undertaken during the training at the Bioinformatics Institute:
1. Variant calling of Escherichia coli WGS
2. Variant calling of deep sequencing data (Influenza A virus (H3N2) hemagglutinin gene)
3. De novo assembly of Escherichia coli genome
4. Tardigrade Ramazzottius varieornatus genome annotation and protein function prediction
5. Genotyping and SNP annotation of human 23andMe data
6. RNA-seq data analysis for differential gene expression of Saccharomyces cerevisiae after 30 minutes of fermentation
7. Ancient metagenomes analysis examining human dental calculus
8. Annotation of the immune repertoire derived from the T-cell population in a relatively healthy donor
9. Single-cell CITE-seq analysis detailing the cellular composition and transcriptional profiles within human bone marrow

BI: Phylogenetics

The complete pipeline of simple research in phylogenetics: from working with NCBI (and other databases) to building trees, evaluating them, and getting some worthwhile results

Handbook: NGS Data Analysis

Handbook on conducting NGS data analysis studies. At the moment there are detailed manuals on Quality Control and Variant Calling. Much more to be disclosured soon!